Employment opportunities
Veterans Transition to Employment Program
The VTC is well supported by many companies and business people in Western Australia, and we have excellent connections to assist you in obtaining further training and employment.
If you are a former ADF member, the VTC can assist with further training and employment assistance, including the following services:
Services on the ground at Jarrahdale Centre
Short to medium term accommodation for those in need
Informal and formal training
Employability Skills Training
Coaching & Mentoring
Career advice and guidance
Networking with potential employers
Individual training plans that meet the veteran & employer needs Peer support
Further Inquiries: vetassist@veteranstc.org.au
Services external to Jarrahdale include:
Employability training with key partners on site at state of the art training facilities
Funding support via Job Active Providers
On the Job Training and workplace trials
Coaching and mentoring while engaged with employers
Health support plans specific to individuals needs
Performance management
Further Inquiries: vetassist@veteranstc.org.au