How you can help
Get physically involved
You can volunteer to work at the Centre on an ad hoc or part time basis – we need all sorts of skills, or sometimes just some manual labour!
Or you may have a company or organisation that may like to get involved, perhaps taking responsibility for a particular part of the Centre.
Stay at the Centre
You may have a group or organisation that is looking for a rural retreat for a few days – we hire out accommodation to assist in covering our operating expenses.
Contribute to our community engagement program
Our first initiative involving Community Engagement revolves around the Containers for Change (CFC) Program.
In 2022 this initiative raised over $5000 towards ensuring emergency accommodation for veterans in need; we have assisted over 30 veterans with emergency - medium term accommodation.
In 2023 we are hoping to raise $15000 and are well on our way to achieving this, but we could use your help.
To assist us reach this milestone, keep your eyes open for the 10c logo and the deposit your eligible bottles, cans and stubbies at any CFC depot and provide our unique ID C10549422.
Remember every deposit over $2 is a tax deductible donation, so keep your receipt.
Larger organisations
Our CFC initiative not only support veterans in need, it will reduce your overheads and provide some tax relief.
For more information email vetassist@veteranstc.org.au
Donate – Tax Deductible
$20 can pay for
A meal
Washed clothes
A shower
New toiletries
$40 can pay for
New set of clothes
Transport of a homeless veteran to Jarrahdale
Maintenance of children’s play area
5 yoga sessions
Set of hand tools for use in conjunction with Jarrahdale Men’s Shed
$85 can pay for
A night’s accommodation for a Homeless veteran at Jarrahdale
Mental Health support via a call with a psychologist and/or counsellor
$120 can pay for
Training for advocates and volunteers
Early intervention strategies for veterans and their families in need
$150 can pay for
A weekend respite for a struggling veteran and their family
$500 can pay for
Accommodation for a homeless veteran for a week at Jarrahdale